UCDA Design Awards 2020
Judges select their top picks from the 2020 UCDA Design Awards
UCDA Design Awards chair: Matt Krob (Director, Design Services, Saint Louis University)
UCDA Design Awards co-chair: Nikhil Ghodke (Assistant Professor, Department of Fine Art, Auburn University at Montgomery)
The UCDA Design Awards recognizes the best of the exceptional design and creative work done by communication professionals to promote educational institutions (secondary, vocational, or higher education) and supports the exchange of ideas and information relating to the unique role of these creatives.
The 50th Annual UCDA Design Awards featured 7 Gold awards, 14 Silver awards, and 160 Awards of Excellence from among all entries submitted.
These annual awards honor the best work in educational design—in print and digital, illustration, photography, and student competitions. These coveted awards are judged by a hand-picked panel of peer jurors composed of designers, design educators, photographers, and illustrators working in or doing a significant portion of their work for educational institutions—they understand the environments in which you create.
The judges in each competition, each selected a piece to highlight as their Judges Choice Award, and together they selected the Best in Show Award.
Thanks to our partnership with Canto, you can view all the 2020 winners online including the images and videos shown here at
You may enter the 2021 UCDA Design Awards at
Category: In-house digital
Institution: University of Central Florida
Entry: UCF Marketing Multimedia Team
Glenn Asakawa, University of Colorado Boulder
Susan McSpadden, Johnson County Community College
Cydney Scott, Boston University
Category: Arts and Culture
Institution: Utah Valley University
Entry: Dancer in Smoke
“It’s a mesmerizing shot that has many layers to keep viewers coming back to it. The smoke is almost like a Rorschach test to see what figures and faces you can make out.”
—Glenn Asakawa, University of Colorado Boulder
Category: People and Portraits
Institution: Utah Valley University
Entry: Black Student Union Portrait Series
“Portraits are a large part of what university photographers shoot, so finding ways to keep them fresh can be challenging. This set of portraits is so well done both technically and creatively. The photographer utilized texture and mood so expertly. The set also has a wonderful mix of calm in the first three and motion in the next three images.”
—Susan McSpadden, Johnson County Community College
Category: Athletics
Institution: Utah Valley University
Entry: Rodeo Cowboys
“This one is my favorite thanks to the lighting, the composition, layering, body language, and documentary style.”
—Cydney Scott, Boston University
Cora Lynn Deibler, University of Connecticut
Pamela Fogg, Pamela Fogg Design
Category: Arts and Culture
Institution: Fashion Institute of Technology
Entry: Wearable Art Paper Doll Foldout
“I really like the idea of using paper dolls to connect information to real personalities behind the scenes at FIT. What a fun idea and great execution.”
—Soojin Buzelli, Plansponsor
Category: News and Editorial
Institution: Sotheby’s Institute of Art
Entry: American Dream circa 2019
“That’s some good storytelling. There is a definite mood created but enough space for me to craft the narrative from an economy of visual hints and signs provided.”
—Cora Lynn Deibler, University of Connecticut
Category: Other Illustration
Institution: University of Central Florida
Entry: Let’s Go!
“The cover illustration for Pegasus magazine was innovative and did a terrific job at communicating an overall theme for the issue. It is cover illustration at its best—conveying a concept with stunning visuals. It kept me looking and thinking—who wouldn’t want that?!”
—Pamela Fogg, Pamela Fogg Design
Denise Bosler, Kutztown University
Kelly Salchow MacArthur, Michigan State University
Kevin Smith, Auburn University
Category: Other Student
Institution: Rochester Institute of Technology, School of Design
Entry: Elysium
”Elysium tackles the urgent, imperative and global topic of protecting the Amazon rainforest. The collaborative group began with a clear concept, and grounded their work in research and inquiry, including results from a survey they developed. The two resulting web-based interactive applications demonstrate an impactful humanistic digital approach to inspire care and thought towards the environment.”
—Kelly Salchow Macarthur, Michigan State University
Category: Other Student
Institution: Endicott College
Entry: Portfolio Book
“The development of a strong illustrative voice often takes years for an illustrator to develop. Gabriela Guerrero has achieved it in her short university career. She describes her work well when she says it’s full of ‘sweetness and emotion’. It really is! Her portfolio’s range of conceptual ideas, beautifully rendered illustrations, and sweet and dynamic color palette portrays an illustrator who has found confidence in her style.”
—Denise Bosler, University of Connecticut“The work really was just the complete package—very professionally executed. The concepts were extremely well done. The color palettes were subtle and worked individually and as a group. Overall it has a way of making the complex scenes seem simple. Which is very difficult to do.”
—Kevin Smith, Auburn University
Frank Baseman, Philadelphia University
LaDonna Cherry, Georgia Institute of Technology
Michael Hutzel, FoxFuel Creative
Category: Book
Institution: Swarthmore College
Entry: Friends, Peace and Sanctuary Book
“Overall excellence; the kind of project you look at and have “design envy” (as in, I wish I had thought of that...).”
—Frank Baseman, Baseman Design Associates
Category: In-house Print
Institution: Boston University
Entry: The Campaign for Boston University: Annual Report 2019
“Attempts to continue a theme throughout a piece can sometimes lead to monotony, but that is not the case with this extremely captivating composition. One could have absolutely no interest or connection with Boston University, and yet this piece draws you into an experience. In the end, isn’t that the goal of great design?”
—LaDonna Cherry, Georgia Institute of Technology
Category: Development Information - Fundraising
Institution: Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Entry: MIT Top Donor Milestone Gift
“This piece is memorable, simple in concept, complex in execution, and just beautifully done. Everything from the booklet, to the enclosure and the finishing in the packaging conveys itself as a precious and valuable gift.”
—Michael Hutzel, Foxfuel Creative
Mark Clifton, Emory University
Tracey Halvorsen, Create Velocity
Sarah Oldenburg, University of California
Category: Website - Recruitment
Institution: Ursuline Academy of New Orleans
Entry: Blaze Brighter Admissions Microsite
“Being a primary learning institution, Ursuline Academy of New Orleans was a bit different than usual, and their recruitment site stood out as a special experience within their category. Typography, color, illustration, photography, video—every element is superbly produced and tastefully combined to create an engaging whole. Substantive content balancing its focus between outcomes and student life, and a large collection of individual student stories, is consistently served and not overshadowed by the design.”
—Mark Clifton, Emory University
Category: Other Digital
Institution: Rochester Institute of Technology
Entry: Ex-Out
“I applaud the RIT team for creating an ambitious campaign, brand, and series of tools and resources. Buoyed by a beautiful and perfectly designed brand system, integrating content strategy that I wish more people would use (brief, direct, and human), and fully developed to be utilized across a wide range of media including digital, this work inspires and encourages connection and communication.”
—Tracey Halvorsen, Create Velocity
Category: Online Magazine
Institution: Boston University
Entry: Bostonia - Boston University’s Alumni Magazine
“A beautiful digital publication experience, executed at a high level both visually and in terms of user experience. Sets the bar high for all higher ed digital magazines and news experiences.”
—Sarah Oldenburg, University of California
Jeff Bagley, University of Utah
Ross Bradley, Rodgers Townsend
Lisa F. Crawford, William & Mary
Full videos can be viewed online at at ucda.canto.com/v/2020designawardsshow.
Category: Video
Institution: University of California, Office of the President
Entry: Fig. 1 by University of California
“I loved the use of mixed media within the Fig. 1 videos. The combination of video, animation and sound design kept me engaged as a viewer and was a great way to showcase the research being presented.”
—Lisa Crawford, William & Mary
Category: Video
Institution: Utah Valley University
Entry: Come As You Are | Recruitment Video
“I thought this was a great combination of a wonderful music track, an edit that went along with it, and some beautifully shot footage that all came together in a very, very dynamic way. The video possesses an awesome voiceover, and it made the place look engaging, exciting, and interesting—particularly if you are a non-traditional student—it promoted that aspect of their university really well. I learned they have a great culinary arts program, and who knew that rodeo was a major.”
—Jeff Bagley, University of Utah“There’s a bravery represented in this spot. The University chose to spend very little time showing classrooms or the campus. Instead, they depicted a mindset that they hoped to inspire in their students. At a time when kids are so focused on SAT scores and entrance essays, I’m sure “Come as you are” is a pretty compelling and inspirational message—at Utah Valley University you aren’t defined by your current state, but can make yourself into what you want to be. This piece stands apart.”
—Ross Bradley, Rodgers Townsend