UCDA : connecting, inspiring, and supporting a creative community in education
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Spark—the UCDA design education journal—invites submissions that heighten and expand the understanding and practice of design and design education in the past, present, or future.

Spark Published Issues

Spark: Volume 1, Issue 1, 2024 (PDF Download)  ©2024 The University and College Design Association [UCDA]. All rights reserved. SPARK. Format: Online. ISSN: 3065-7911

Submission Guidelines


Submissions are accepted on a rolling basis and reviewed for the upcoming issue. Submissions must not have been previously published in print or online, although articles that expand research from previously published material are welcome. 

[Submission Guidelines]

Submit an Article


Volume 2, Issue 1: Call for Entries Open Now: Estimated publishing date: Spring 2025. 

[Submit an Article] 


Editorial Board


CHIEF EDITOR Kyra Whitehead, Wenzhou-Kean University [About the Editor]
Susan Matherne, UCDA Executive Director
Michael Clayton, UCDA Education Director, Professor at University of the Incarnate Word

Desk Review Committee


Randy Clark, Wenzhou-Kean University (retired)
Michael Clayton, University of the Incarnate Word
Kelly MacArthur Salchow, Michigan State University
Sheri Selph, Middle Tennessee State University
Johnathon Strube, East Tennessee State University


Peer Review Committee


Guenet Abraham, University of Maryland Baltimore County
Anne Beekman, Findlay University
Peter Bella, University of Central Arkansas
Lyn Brands, Arkansas Tech University
Calee Cecconi, University of Wisconsin—Stout
Christopher Cote, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Stephanie Cunningham, Florida Atlantic University
Laura Franz, University of Massachusetts Dartmouth
Nikhil Ghodke, Auburn University at Montgomery
Samantha Herbert, Auburn University
Anne Jordan, Rochester Institute of Technology
Kimberly Mitchell, University of Tennessee Knoxville
Chiranjeevi Rahul Rollakanti, Middle East College
Christina Singer, University of North Carolina at Charlotte
John Smith, Chicago State University
Christopher St. Cyr, Delaware College of Art & Design

Peer Review Process


Reviews for Spark—the UCDA Design Edcuation Journal are double-blind. Identities of the reviewer and author are concealed from each other. Double-blind reviews are considered of high-quality for tenure and promotion committees.

[Peer Review Process]