Impending Changes to UCDA; Help Shape its Future
Life looks different than it did a few short years ago. Many people, institutions, and organizations have been forced to adapt to difficult circumstances. UCDA has not been immune to the financial difficulties plaguing the world. Frozen or depleted professional development budgets, travel restrictions, and university downsizing have had a major impact on the organization.
Despite these financial challenges, UCDA is committed to providing the programming you love in 2023, including the Creative Summit, the Design Education Summit, online programming, and the UCDA Design Conference.
UCDA will spend the coming months reimagining its structure and function in order to be positioned to meet the needs of its community in a post-COVID world and the ever-changing environment of education.
For more than 20 years, UCDA has been led by executive director Tadson Bussey, with Chris Klonowski joining five years ago as assistant director. Both recently announced they will be stepping down from their roles by the end of 2023. Though these changes may be difficult, the UCDA Board and Foundation recognize how instrumental they were in helping shape UCDA into what it is today. Their hard work and dedication will be missed.
We all know the value of UCDA. This niche group—that supports creatives in the education space—is one-of-a-kind. Through this organization, you’ve found your community. Your friends…your cheerleaders…your mentors…your inspiration…your purpose.
We need your help to envision the future of the organization that we all love so much. We invite your participation in determining how UCDA can best serve its members as we move forward. Please share your voice and ideas as we begin a new chapter in this long-standing organization.
UCDA Town Hall
The UCDA board of directors and staff held a preliminary discussion regarding UCDA’s future, a town hall meeting where members had an opportunity to ask questions and discuss organizational ideas and priorities. Held on Friday, January 20, the UCDA Town Hall was recorded.
view recording
Reach Out
If you have questions, comments, or concerns, feel free to reach out and let us know! We value your input as we begin a new chapter.
Based on feedback from the UCDA Town Hall, UCDA is conducting a survey asking members specific questions and solicitating feedback. This will give you the opportunity to add your name to a list of volunteers, as well as identify specific skills you have to be matched up with particular tasks.
take the survey
Task Forces
UCDA has created several task forces in addition to their already established committees. Let us know if you would be willing to serve or have additional questions.
- Mission: Evaluate and provide input on UCDA's vision and purpose, and help create goals to meet the membership needs of the organization going forward.
- Operational Transition: Examine organizational management for the logistical and legal aspects of running UCDA, and look into potential alternative solutions to continue the day-to-day operations.
- Live Events: Explore and reimagine how UCDA members meet in person.
- Development: Collaborate with the UCDA Foundation to develop specific needs for funds.
Here are some frequently asked questions received or that were brought up during the UCDA Town Hall.
Why is the home office staff stepping down?
Tadson and Chris have both announced they will be stepping down by the end of the year from their roles at the home office. The last two years have been extremely stressful, and they believe this is the right time to transition, as UCDA charts its path forward.
see announcement
What exactly does the home office do?
Currently, the home office provides support services and assists with the planning and implementation of the UCDA programming and projects, at the direction of the board. They provide the continuity of information, communication, and service for current and potential members of the organization. Though you may only see them at the annual conference, working tirelessly, they handle all the day-to-day responsibilities of the organization.
Over the coming months as we reimagine UCDA’s structure and function in order to be positioned to meet the needs of our community, we will utilize volunteer task forces that will focus on mission, the Home Office Operations and Transition, Live Events, Development, and Design Collection.
Will UCDA still hold the events this year?
Absolutley! UCDA will still have the usual programming, including the virtual UCDA Creative Summit, the in-person UCDA Design Education Summit, the Creative Conversations, the webinars and the UCDA Design Conference in Atlanta. (Please come to any and all of these programs if you can!)
In the past, we had contracts in place for future conferences. We do not have any outstanding contracts with hotels after the Atlanta conference.
What services can UCDA afford to drop–what measures have been taken?
At this time, we have reduced UCDA’s overall expenses where possible while continuing to provide the quality programming and support you’ve come to expect from UCDA. Most of these changes will go unnoticed, with the exception of the Designer magazine, which will now be fully digital.
How can I help?
UCDA will have many volunteer opportunities—complete the member survey or fill out the volunteer form.