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UCDA Design Awards

These annual awards honor the best work in educational design—in print, digital, illustration, photography, and student competitions. These coveted awards are judged by a hand-picked panel of peer jurors composed of designers, design educators, photographers, and illustrators working in or doing a significant portion of their work for educational institutions—they understand the environments in which you create. (Photo by Matthew Lester)

2024 UCDA Design Awards | Past Judges | Past Awards Winners | UCDA Design Collection

UCDA Award

The UCDA Award was created in 1995. This stunning award is presented by the UCDA board of directors in recognition of those who have donated their valuable time, service, and support to further UCDA's goals. Individuals receiving this award have significantly contributed to this organization's success.

List of Recipients

Student Poster Design Initiative

One of the many potential desired outcomes of design can be to motivate or inspire. Student designers have the power to encourage viewers to move forward in their lives—toward big dreams and lifelong goals or by simply enjoying the beauty that surrounds us. (Photo by Tadson Bussey)

2025 UCDA Student Poster Design Initiative | Past: 2024 (coming soon) | 20232021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015



UCDA recognizes the importance of lifelong learning and, as a result, proudly supports members through the dedicated funding of the UCDA Foundation professional development scholarship program. This program provides two opportunities for members to attend the UCDA Design Conference or the UCDA Design Education Summit. (Photo by Matthew Lester)

  • The UCDA Foundation Professional Development Scholarship covers the registration cost for the UCDA Design Conference.
  • The UCDA Foundation Design Education Scholarship is offered to help offset the expense of attending the UCDA Design Education Summit and covers registration, lodging, and travel. This scholarship is supported through the kynamatrix Research Network.

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