Font and Type Resources
The Type Studio is a unique and innovative studio specializing in all aspects of typography and visual communications. Services range from the technical to the aesthetic, and include type direction and consulting, type-oriented graphic design, font development, copy writing, articles, and workshops and seminars.
A + M Neuber GbR
Agfa Monotype | Font and Imaging Professionals
Altemus | Dingbat Collections
Altered Ego Fonts | Fonts for Print and Interactive Media
Apply Design Group | Fonts and CDs
Astigmatic One Eye Foundry | Special collection CDs
ATypI | Association Typographique International
Berthold Types
Bitmap Software | Bitmap type
Bitstream, Inc. | Award-Winning Fonts
Canva | 100 Free Fonts You Should Be Using In 2015
Castle Systems | Eclectic Collection
ComicCraft | Comic Book Fonts
Cool Fonts | Cool Fonts
Deniart Systems | Fonts for the Ages
DynaLab, Inc.
Elfring Soft Fonts, Inc. | Bar codes, MICR, Fonts and Clip Art
Emigre | Fonts, Cyrillic Fonts, Magazine
Foam Train Fonts | Typefaces, specimens
Font Bureau on Type Network | Font library
Font Empire | Custom Fonts
Font Guide for All Occasions | Choosing the Right Font
Font.a.licious Fonts | Fonts and other fun stuff
fontBoy | Digital Type Foundry
FontHaus | Many Featured Products
Fonthead Design | Fonts, Images, Freeware
FontLab Developers Group | Type Design Toolkit
FontMart | Font Packages, Retro Clip Art, Free Samples
FontShop | Independent Source for Fonts
FuelFonts | Type foundry
Garagefonts | Fresh Fonts
Hoefler Type Foundry, Inc. | Decorative Typefaces
House Industries
Identifont | Fonts by Appearance, Name, Similarity, Picture & Designer/Publisher
International Type Founders (ITF) | Fonts for Every Occasion
Jill Bell Design and Lettering | Lettering
Letraset Inc. | Fonts and Nore
LettError | Type, fonts and typography
Linotype | Fonts from Classic to Cool
Margo Chase Design | Variety of Fonts
The MicroFoundry | Global type design
Mindcandy | Candy for the Mind
MyFonts.com | Find fonts, try fonts
No Bodoni Typography | Indie Fonts
Olsson's Fonts
P22 Type Foundry | Fonts inspired by art, history and science
ParaGraph International (ParaType) | Internet Font Fair
Phil's Fonts, Inc. | Over 30,000 Fonts
Psy/Ops Type Foundry | A Dedicated Type Studio
Riversedge | Barcode fonts
Scooter Graphics | Font Packs
The Scriptorium | Fonts for every occasion
Shift | Fresh Fonts, Demos
Stu's Font Diner | Retro fonts
Studio Daedalus | Music and fonts
T-26 | Digital type foundry
Tiro Typeworks
TypeArt Foundry Inc. | Font-O-Rama
Typographica | Type Reviews, Books, Commentary
Typotheque | Contemporary, original fonts
Underware | Font, Publications and Merchandise
Unifonts | Great Original Typefaces
VanDer Font | Illustration and Type Design
Veer | Photographs, Illustrations and Typefaces
Village | Typefaces, Merchandise
Vintage Type | Vintage Type
vletter, inc | Personal Handwriting Fonts
Zang-O Fonts
If you find a link that is inactive, or if you have an additional photo and illustration resources you would like to see added, please contact the UCDA Webmaster.