UCDA : connecting, inspiring, and supporting a creative community in education

A Path to Original Thinking

Thursday, 7-May-2020 1 p.m. - 2 p.m. (GMT-0600) US/Central

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Total Seats: 500
Reserved: 24

24 Attendees

armastrobattista Amber Mastrobattista
kgraves@depauw.edu Kelly Graves
JoAnnWohlberg JoAnn Wohlberg
jelmore@wesleyan.edu John Elmore
sheafferw@etown.edu Wendy Sheaffer
kelly@2communique.com Kelly McMurray
smatsumoto@callutheran.edu Sherri Matsumoto
byohn@vt.edu Brian Yohn
ThisErin Erin Sarauer
prado@clemson.edu Christine Prado
kplapp@westga.edu Kendall Plapp
None Brooke Shoemake
None Kayla Marston
chumtoyou Christina Bazylewicz
kterpack@chatham.edu Krista Terpack
afischer@springfield.edu Anne Fischer
deborah.kreps@wmich.edu Deborah Kreps
shookchung@marin.edu Shook Chung
jennifer.broderick@oswego.edu Jennifer Broderick
None Erika Nunnikhoven
None Scott McAlpine
dlayng@niu.edu Diane Layng
None Doug Heinle
llaird Lynn Laird