UCDA : connecting, inspiring, and supporting a creative community in education

Tuesday, April 11 2023

Tuesday, Apr 11, 2023 midnight
Multi-day Event

Inspiration can fuel your imagination, spark the next big idea, or be the catalyst to respond to change. But for that to happen, we need to allow ourselves the time to discover, create, and connect. The UCDA Creative Summit—spanning two invigorating days (mid-day hours)—will provide you that creative outlet.

Engage virtually in an intimate setting with design professionals across North America. These illustrators, photographers, designers, and creative thinkers will be sharing their work and stories, with a hands-on creative exercise. Roll up your sleeves and come prepared to learn, share, and grow your creative potential. You’ll walk away with a unique keepsake, new ideas, and a tight-knit community to support you along the way!


Education—Carefully curated sessions from five speakers over two days to help you engage and spark your creativity.

Community—UCDA: Creating community for creative professionals in education. Connect with the folks who do what you do so you can charge your creative battery.

Affordable—Without the need for travel or lodging, the UCDA Creative Summit is very affordable—plus, There is the option to include session recordings! Both members and non-members are invited to attend.

UCDA Creative Summit Mark


Mark C Photo


Mark DiOrio Photo
Noah Scalin Photo


Photo of speaker Mark Addison Smith
Photo of speaker Reina




Olympia Crawford Photo


Amy Drill Photo
Alex Parsons Photo


Eric Wheeler Photo


The schedule below can help you protect and preserve your time. Note that all times are in North America Eastern Time.

Registration/Check-in: Monday, April 10—11 a.m.-2 p.m. ET
Live Event: Tuesday, April 11—11 a.m.-2 p.m. ET
Live Event: Wednesday, April 12—11 a.m.-2 p.m. ET

We start mid-morning at 11 a.m. Eastern (we have found this is the best overall time to allow different time zones to join us). Given this start time, we have only scheduled short breaks (no long lunch break), so plan to have water, coffee, and snacks on hand.

Maya Angelou Quote



Registration / Check-in


11 a.m.-12 noon
Welcome and
1. Taking Time to Smell... the Developer
Mark Cornelison and Mark DiOrio
Photography is too fast in todays world. Photographers, especially ones that never shot film, are blowing through a shoot, looking at photos of the back of their camera , and not really knowing how they got there. Film photographers had to know how to solve all the problems at that moment, trusting their skills and training. Many times not knowing if they have a successful photo until days or weeks later when they got to develop the film. By then the subject is gone, the moment is gone forever.

Shooting with older film cameras forces the photographer to think about every shot from start to process. There was no saving the photo later with a crop, or photoshop to fix your bad exposure. We want to keep the true photography techniques alive, while still feeding the desire to go back to the way things were. No apps, no photoshop, just pure photography. It has a look.

12:10- 12:50 p.m.
2. 20x20 Presentations
How I Turned My Creative Block Into a Portfolio Piece
Olympia Crawford
As artists, creative block gets the best of us from time to time. In this session I will explain what caused my creative block, the steps I took to pull myself out of it, and how going through that process ultimately resulted in a portfolio piece.

It's About Finding the Flow
Amy Drill

A Sketchy Dood(ler)
Alex Parsons
After a few decades of aimlessly scribbling, I’ve pulled together several scraps to see if they amount to anything. And whether or not that matters.

Confessions of a Cranky Creative Director
Eric Wheeler
Tips from the Cranky Creative Director is a communication tool designed to educate colleagues on best practices in design and production. “Crankys” fill the void between emails and water cooler conversations in a format that is informative and often irreverent.

1-1:50 p.m.
3. Path to Paper
Reina Takahashi
Join paper artist Reina Takahashi as she dives into the papery process behind her projects. Through case studies, Takahashi will walk through the behind-the-scenes steps from concept and paper creation to delivery. Learn about her client engagement, paper building, and photo approaches.

1:50-2 p.m.
Wrap-up Discussion


11 a.m. -12 noon
Opening and
4. The Creative Practice
Noah Scalin
What does it take to stay inspired as a creative professional? Noah Scalin shares his journey from graphic designer to world renowned artist and the secrets of creativity he discovered along his multi-decade spanning career.

12:10-12:50 p.m.
5. Interactive Workshop: Creative Sprint®
Noah Scalin
Artist Noah Scalin shares a simple, practical methodology for getting unstuck that can be used anytime anywhere to reignite your creative fires. We'll get the process started with several fun, fast, hands-on activities.

1-1:50 p.m.
6. You Look Like The Right Type: 15 years of daily type drawings
Mark Addison Smith
Daily, since November 23, 2008, Mark has been listening in on strangers' conversations and drawing their words as black and white, type-forward drawings, never missing a day with over 5000 drawings his ongoing archive. When the lockdown happened, Mark was unable to overhear quotes in public settings and invited strangers to hold conversations over Zoom. These conversations became his own virtual window to the world, and he spent hours at his dining room table translating other people’s words into lengthier, visual essays of how strangers (now friends) were grappling with the pandemic. You Look Like The Right Type is a story of sustaining a daily, fifteen-year design project while finding new sources of inspiration within it.

1:50-2 p.m.
Wrap-up Discussion

Past Attendee Quote


(all prices in USD)
Live Event ONLY
Participate live on dates
Digital Recording ONLY
Receive a link to the digital recording after the event
Event and Digital Recording
Participate live on dates and receive a link to the digital recording after the event.
Regular Early Bird (by March 11) Regular Early Bird (by March 11) Regular Early Bird (by March 11)
UCDA Member (Professional, Emeritus, Corporate, or Faculty)
Become a member
$147 $97 $147 $97 $197 $147
Non-member/Subscriber $297 $247 $297 $247 $397 $347
Full-Time Student $147 $97 $147 $97 $197 $147

See UCDA’s Cancellation Policy
See UCDA’s Inclusiveness, Code of Conduct, and Anti-harassment Policy.

Edward De Bono Quote