Thursday, March 16 2023
Creative Conversations: Moving to Digital
The COVID-19 pandemic thrust us into an age of digital communication. We’re not only on Zoom more, we’re having to be strategic with our design and messaging now that digital work is the norm. It’s rare to meet a strictly “print designer” these days - we’re having to function as hybrid designers! How has this change evolved your work? Do you like it more? Come tell us your experience and discuss what tricks you’ve learned along the way.
Creative Conversations is a UCDA initiative set to provide members with opportunities to casually discuss relevant topics that impact higher education designers. Moving forward, we’ll occasionally be adding Ask Me Anything (AMA) to the lineup. These are intended to allow attendees to ask questions to fellow UCDA members with specialized knowledge on the session topic. Creative Conversations happen monthly via Zoom and the topics are chosen by members for members. If you have any ideas for a session, please reach out and let us know.