At Fifty
The University & College Designers Association celebrates a milestone anniversary in 2020. As part of our 50th anniversary celebration we reached out to our honorary and emeritus members and memorable speakers and friends. We asked this talented group to create an interpretation of the number 50 for our “At Fifty” project where we explore and interpret the number 50 from many possible angles: collections, lists, numerology, myths, sports, music, design, typography, art, or nature.
Special thanks to all those who participated:
Frank Baseman
Michael Campbell
Karen Chrisman
Randy Clark
Kris Fitzgerald
Domenica Genovese
Milton Glaser
Gary Golightly
Marty Gregg
Hayes Henderson
Matt Krob
Nick Mendoza
Globe at MICA
Jim Olvera
John Plunkett
Chris St. Cyr
Winston Vanderhoof
Tom Varisco
Bob Winward
Susan Younger
Jody Zamirowski