Ashley Touchton
Ashley Touchton is a Partner and Design Innovation Strategy Consultant at Orange Sparkle Ball. She focuses on startup design and innovation strategy as well as strategic corporate acceleration programs and bridging the gap between the two. She grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and her background in industrial design from Georgia Tech provided the foundation for her multi-faceted approach to solving problems and taught her the foundation elements she uses to rapidly pilot solutions for product fit and refinement. Ashley is dedicated to moving quickly and efficiently to find the best solution within tight time frames, keeping projects on track and maintaining momentum for new initiatives. She is passionate about accelerating startups and corporations.
Orange Sparkle Ball is an innovation and impact accelerator focused on moving public and private organizations’ initiatives forward. Sitting at the junction of research, technology, human-centered design principles and organizational goals, Orange Sparkle Ball creates organization and community-focused innovation programs, runs data-driven pilots to demonstrate proof of the future state, creates multi-faceted communication strategies to stakeholders, and develops environments that support progress toward key metrics or key performance indicators (KPIs). Experience with government, industry, technology startups, public/private partnerships, and academia allows Orange Sparkle Ball to provide a full ecosystem approach to customized solutions.
Website: orangesparkleball.com
Instagram: @ashleytouchtondesigns | @orangesparkleball
LinkedIn: ashleytouchton | orange-sparkle-ball-inc