About the Editor
Dr. Kyra Whitehead, Wenzhou-Kean University
Before joining Wenzhou-Kean University, Wenzhou, China, in 2017, Dr. Kyra Whitehead completed her BA, MA, Conflict Resolution and Leadership Certification, and doctoral coursework at Drew University, New Jersey. Kyra Simultaneously embraced the role of teacher's assistant and Global Religion Lecturer at Drew University and English Lecturer at Kean University, Union, New Jersey. She worked as an Academic Coach, Writing Workshop Instructor, and Writing Tutor for Drew University's Center for Academic Excellence during her studies. Dr. Whitehead successfully defended her dissertation after completing her D. Litt. degree in February 2019 while working at WKU and as Dean of Concordia Language Villages' English Language Program.
Dr. Whitehead is an English and Design Lecturer at Wenzhou-Kean University, Wenzhou, China, specializing in English for Academic Purposes for Design and acting as a liaison between the English and Design departments. Through this role, Dr. Whitehead uses art and design as vectors for peacebuilding in her English and Design courses. Dr. Whitehead's courses include English Composition, English as a Second Language Writing I and II, Research and Technology for Design, Design Internship, and Global Design and Visual Culture.
Alongside teaching Design and English courses, Dr. Whitehead runs a writing lab for WKU's Michael Graves College (MGC), editing and revising student and faculty work and the MGC Newsletter. Simultaneously, Dr. Whitehead serves on WKU's hiring committee and chairs WKU's Common Reads Program, Pre-semester Intensive English Program, and a language immersion program known as Language Lounge.