Virtual UCDA Design Conference: Charles Akins
Charles Akins' illustration and illustrative design spans a variety of approaches while retaining an overall underlying whimsy. His work could be described as kinetic and fun, while at the same time, friendly, engaging and approachable. He has a focus on fun, interesting, and lively communications, and a broad and diverse range of skills and expertise, from traditional media to digital art and animation.
His work has been widely published and featured in Step-By-Step digital, The Illustration Workbook, Picturebook, and in the Hayden books Adobe Illustrator-Creative Techniques, Graphis Student 96, the Quayside book Logolounge Master Library: 3000 Animal & Mythology Logos, as well as the recent Rockport published Design:Logo by Von Glitschka and Paul Howalt. Also, his work is pictured in the New York Times bestseller, Totally MAD, 60 Years of Humor, Satire, Stupidity and Stupidity, and MAD, The 100 Dumbest People, Events & Things of the Century (So Far), and numerous issues of MAD magazine and many other editorial publications.
Charles has also had the privilege of teaching Graphic Design and Illustration part time, at the college level, for many years. (Georgia State University, University of South Carolina, and South University.) He also loves to draw from life using pencil, watercolor and acrylics, and attends open art classes bi-monthly.
Meet illustrator, graphic designer, character developer and animator, Charles Akins as he discusses his work, process, and he has managed to navigate a successful career in illustration.
Join a casual discussion of the advantages of custom illustration: what makes it unique, and why you shouldn’t be afraid to pick up the phone and call a professional illustrator, even just to ask a question or two, and introduce yourself. Charles will share examples of his relationships with clients and how illustration helped bring their message to life.
Sample work by Charles Akins. More can be seen at: https://akinstudio.com
LinkedIn: Charles Akins
Website: Charles Akins
Behance: cakins